CHAPTER 1 - about lessons

01 / 2023 • Written by Cynthia Pérez

It’s the first week of 2023 and I’ve been thinking a lot about what to write in this first chapter of the year. All that I could think of was on some sort of motivational speech which is not what I intended to do because you can see that kind of content everywhere now and simply because that’s just not me. I had to step back a little and remind myself the actual purpose of this project and why I’m doing this.

So, I’m not going to write about things you could do to have the motivation you're missing or how to change your habits into better ones, instead I’m going to write about things I’ve learned this past year, lessons that I’ll keep for the rest of my life and hopefully they will help you some time too.

For me this past year was hard, and by that I mean mentally speaking, I know I will remember 2022 as one of the most turbulent years of my life and at the same time I’ll remember it as the year that made me know I was stronger than I thought.

These are the lessons I want to share with you:

If you need to slow down for your mental health and well-being, do it. If you need mental help reach out for it, but don’t give up on your dreams. You can work on your mental health and still (at a much lower pace) work for your dreams. Always put your mental health as a priority and keep in mind that not everything you see on social media is what it is, I’m sure that a lot of people weren't aware of the process I was going through and it’s not their fault, I wanted it that way, but remember that the choice to share is yours to make.

To me, this new year is going to be about giving all I can give without any pressure or expectations and reminding myself to enjoy my process every day. Now I’ll embrace and be proud of my own pace even if that is what it takes to be healthy.


CHAPTER 2 - about lessons


CHAPTER 2 - about inspiration