CHAPTER 2 - about lessons

04 / 2023 • Written by Cynthia Pérez

Dear Everyone,

This chapter took longer than I thought, I’ve been dealing with something called heartbreak, and I’m so tired of everyone telling me what should I be writing here or not, because it doesn’t look “professional”to get too personal in here, but I was limited a lot in the past. Today I say fuck it, at the end of the day this is my safe space and I want to be as honest and transparent with you, there is not a guided book on how to make a business succeed, and every entrepreneur has it’s own path and we are all trying in our own ways.

I’m a very sensitive person and a hopeless romantic too and it’s something I always knew about me (what a cliché from an artist, I know), and to be honest when I’m dealing with the matters of the heart I can’t quite focus on what really does matter to me. That made me realized that I need to have more emotional strength and keep working on it to be the best version of myself for me and others around me.

The way I see it, there’s no way a heartbreak can stop me from achieving my goals. After three months since I broke up with my now ex boyfriend with whom I had a relationship for five and a half years I came to the conclusion that I’m ready to be back on track on the creative field, and I just wanted to say to whoever is reading this out there: it’s ok to step back for a little while if you need it, but always remember to come back. Funny thing about this is that I kind of mentioned something similar on January in the last chapter I wrote before I knew I was about to break up.

In fact, I’m so excited to be back because I’ve been thinking a lot about Rouche’s next step and long story short I have two different paths I could take and I need to make a choice asap, but the cool thing about this is that it’s not one thing or another it’s just more about what do I want to start with and what’s better for this project that I love. It’s better to do one thing at a time and do it well than make two things at the same time and end up unsatisfied with the result. Anyways I hope you’ll love the products as much as I’ll love creating them for you and your spaces.

I need to be creative again, it makes me happy and I’m going to do what I know I’m here for.


- Cynthia.


CHAPTER 1 - about creating


CHAPTER 1 - about lessons