CHAPTER 1 - about creating

07 / 2023 • Written by Cynthia Pérez

[Cre-ate] small word, big meaning.

I have to say that whenever it comes to creating it's hard, it’s a process that takes time. It could be a a week, a month, a year or years, depending on what are you creating. Me personally I prefer to take it slow, I prefer doing things in such a pace that flows naturally, I’m searching for a process that will bring me a lot of gratification just because I’m enjoying what I’m creating and of course I know the process will be changing over the years. If you’re a creative I’m sure you’ll find one that will adjust specifically for you.

When you’re a creative you have to be disciplined (believe it or not), and yes it does have a lot of pros like you can work from home or wherever you want to, you own your schedule and you can take as many days off as you want, and yes that’s also ok because sometimes you need to step back and see what you are doing from a different perspective. And I think it’s funny because a lot of creative people can’t handle it, all of these “pros” can make you go the other way around, they could make you procrastinate a lot, you can become less productive, and also have a crazy sleep schedule that isn't good for your health, all those “days off” can become weeks without you even noticing it.

Therefore, I want to give you some tips that worked for me in the past:

Firstly, establish measurable goals breaking them down into smaller tasks for better focus. Secondly, create a structured routine and adhere to it diligently, stick to this schedule no matter what. Thirdly, (this one is my favorite) practice self-control by eliminating distractions, such as turning off notifications or setting specific blocks of time for uninterrupted work. Fourthly, develop healthy habits, like regular exercise and adequate sleep, as physical well-being positively influences mental discipline. By incorporating these practices into your daily life they can lead you to increased productivity and personal growth. :)


CHAPTER 2 - about lessons